21 Page Book of Tips!
Begin your own ministry of encouragement
with help from FairHope Notes greeting cards
FairHope Notes works with top card creators like Dayspring and Hallmark to bring you faith-infused messages and designs that touch hearts. Twelve beautiful cards come to your door every 8 weeks.
Use our simple tips and ideas to easily add your own messages of love, faith & encouragement —advice on letter writing etiquette, suggested Scriptures for specific occasions and so much more.
There’s something wonderful about getting a card with a personal word of blessing—it can become a lasting treasure long after it’s written, and a seed that can take root and blossom in the lives of others.
We understand – we’ve helped two generations share God’s love
Each card is designed exclusively for encouragers like you
A wealth of writing wisdom to give you confidence
A large community of encouragers already in your corner
Use our tips to easily add your messages of encouragement—and see lives transformed!
Sets of 12 new quality greeting cards arrive every 8 weeks.
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At FairHope Notes, we know that you want to be an encourager, sharing God’s love with others. To do that, you need to connect with friends & family in a lasting, spiritually meaningful way. The problem is, it’s hard to express yourself in just the right words, which can make you feel helpless.
We believe encouragement doesn’t have to be a struggle. We understand not everybody is a poet, which is why for two decades, we’ve helped people share God’s love through keepsake greeting cards. Along the way, we’ve gathered a wealth of written wisdom that you can use right away.
Here’s how we do it:
1. We work with top card creators like Dayspring and Hallmark to bring you messages and designs that touch hearts—for under 50% the price of ordinary cards.
2. Order a FairHope Notes subscription plan; sets of 12 new cards arrive approximately every 8 weeks.
3. Use our tips to easily add your messages of love, faith & encouragement—and see lives transformed!
So, start your FairHope Notes subscription now. Each collection is a $39 value—but you can get them for less than half the price!
In the meantime, find out how easy it is to start a journey of encouragement. Download your FREE booklet, How to Write the Perfect Card: 30 Ways to Share God’s Love, a simple guide to sharing sympathy, commemoration and joy. So you can stop missing those opportunities to speak into times of need or celebration, and instead create a godly legacy of caring with cherished words of love.
21 Page Book of Tips!
"I remember reading before I joined FairHope Notes that sending cards could become a ministry, and I feel like this is me, true for me."
"I am blessed simply by reading the cards, but I know from what the recipients tell me, that they enjoy more what the card says as well as what God leads me to add."
"I've only received two sets of cards, but they are so beautiful and uplifting that I find myself reading them from time to time just to give myself a lift!"
"I have been receiving FairHope Notes for about a year and have been blessed with every shipment. Thank you so much for this ministry opportunity."
"I haven't seen many cards anywhere that can express the Christian sentiment to cover so many situations, as yours do."
"What a blessing it is to give your beautiful cards to my friends and family! There always seems to be just the right card available at my fingertips."
"I absolutely love your cards and your newsletter! These wonderful cards express the same thoughts and feelings that I mysclf would express.''
"I love my FairHope Notcs. They are so beautiful and often express what I am unable to express myself."
"Ihank you for your inspiring, lovely cards that arc truly anointed to do God's work. I use them as a ministry to 'hurting' fricnds."
"Your cards have truly been a blessing for me in so many ways. The price for these cards is more than reasonable; the wording is always awesome and right on time."
"I get so many compliments on the FairHope Notes cards. They really enjoy the hymns on the back. Thank you for helping me with my 'card ministry' I am a grateful FairHope friend."
"There is a ministry in a simple card of encouragement! Now I'm the one sending out the cards. Praying. Writing. Sending. Encouraging. Thank you, FairHope, for helping me do that successfully!"